Wednesday, January 14, 2009

People never do evil so cheerfully


“People never do evil so

cheerfully as when they do it

from religious conviction.”

-Blaise Pascal

“Bella Figura” means to have a good image is important. The church protects the imagine over all things. They are the imagine not the people. Once you understand that you understand all other actions.

It is easier to kill 1000’s and have the public deny it then to kill one child and have the public deny it. They killed over 50,000 children and didn’t even hide it that much. Yet how many know the truth of what happen? What process in is place to allow that kind of truth to not be known by most people? What else do you not know that is right in front of you? Wake up!
GENOCIDE Full Length documentary
Please watch this documentary and share it with
as many people as you can!

Drag the bar to make the video start. Thanks
Please lend your support to him:
http://hiddenfromhistory. org/

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